How Does CBD Oil Reduce Inflammation?

For patients who wonder, “How does CBD oil reduce inflammation?” it is important to understand the relationship between CBD oil and inflammation inside the body. Defining some of the key elements of the central nervous system can provide greater insights into the ways that CBD oil can relieve pain and reduce inflammation for patients with a wide range of ailments. Here are some of the most important facts about using CBD oil for inflammation and pain.

What Is Inflammation?

Inflammation occurs when the body’s natural immune system is triggered to respond to an injury or perceived threat. The chemicals released by the immune system can increase the flow of blood to the affected area to create swelling and a buildup of fluid. This can potentially cause pain and premature breakdown of cartilage and tissues in joints affected by arthritis and other conditions. Internal organs can also be affected by inflammation, which can lead to even more serious issues for patients.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

The endocannabinoid system is a network of receptors connected to the central nervous system. First identified in the brain of a laboratory rat in 1988, endocannabinoid receptors are believed to have an essential role in regulating the functions of the entire nervous system. These and other key receptors are sensitive to some of the chemicals present in the cannabis plant, including cannabidiol or CBD. When CBD binds with these receptors, it can block the transmission of chemical messages that can cause inflammation, pain and seizures in vulnerable patients.

Binding with TRPV1 Receptors

One of the most important ways in which CBD oil works to reduce inflammation is by binding with transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) cells throughout the body. These cells are responsible for regulating temperature and controlling inflammation in specific parts of the body. An article published in 2012 in the scholarly journal Pharmaceuticals describes the link between TRPV1 and inflammation, especially in cases of autoimmune disease. By binding with these cells to prevent the transmission of signals that can cause inflammation, CBD can significantly reduce the symptoms of arthritis and other conditions.

Cytokines and CBD

Future Medicinal Chemistry published an article in 2009 that discussed the use of cannabinoids like CBD in treating inflammatory diseases. Cytokine proteins are signaling proteins created by the immune system that play a key role in controlling body temperature, the perception of pain and the inflammatory response to various stimuli. CBD treatments can moderate the responses of cytokine proteins to reduce inflammation and pain for patients with a wide range of physical maladies.

Putting CBD Oil to Work

Cannabidiol has been shown to have beneficial effects on inflammation caused by a number of diseases, injuries and disorders, including inflammatory bowel disease, acute lung injury, diabetic retinopathy and arthritis. Patients can often significantly reduce inflammation with CBD oil treatments applied topically or taken internally.

Benefits of Reducing Inflammation

Using CBD oil to reduce inflammation can lower the risk of serious side effects for many patients. In arthritis patients, minimizing inflammation can limit the risk of cartilage breakdown and can improve the range of motion possible, allowing greater mobility for these individuals. CBD oil has also shown good results for patients with inflammatory bowel disease, allowing them to enjoy a higher quality of life while dealing with this serious condition. Perhaps the most important benefit of reducing inflammation, however, is the corresponding relief experienced by patients with serious or chronic pain due to cancer, multiple sclerosis and other medical issues.

The full benefits of CBD oil have yet to be discovered. CBD is safe and effective in managing pain, reducing the incidence of seizures and lowering the amount of inflammation caused by arthritis and other serious conditions. By making this medication part of your everyday health routine, you can manage pain and inflammation without the negative side effects associated with many prescription drugs. This can allow you to enjoy the best health and the most positive prognoses for your medical condition. If you were wondering, “How does CBD oil reduce inflammation?” we hope we have provided the answers you need to determine whether this innovative treatment is right for your needs.

Additional resource: How Can CBD Oil Help Cancer Patients? 

Additional CBD Resources on Inflammation

How Does CBD Oil Help With Inflammation?

The Best CBD Oils for Inflammation – 2019 Ranking