CBD Oil Product Rankings for 2021

CBD Oil Rankings

When you first learn about all of the different benefits that CBD oil brings to the table, you’re going to be eager to give it a try.

Featured CBD Brands

Whether you are dealing with acne, chronic pain, or just want to better your overall health, CBD oil can play a huge role in that.

However, picking out what the best products are in this absolutely booming space can seem overwhelming.

We take great care to help put great products in your hands. One way that we do that is by creating detailed CBD Reviews. Another way is by creating rankings. We explore products and brands and find the best CBD products based on what you need. Here is where you’ll find all of our product rankings, which we will continue expanding as we explore all of the types of CBD and their uses.

We worked with experts in the CBD industry to create a solid methodology that reflects the standard that we hold products to and helps us to determine what the best products are. All of the rankings on this page were created with the following.

Table of Contents

BestCBDOils.org Methodology

  • Range of Products Score (1/5)

Beginner Dosage Score: the lowest dosage available in this brand’s product
Experienced Dosage Score: the highest dosage available in this brand’s product
Delivery Method Score: the number of distinct delivery methods of CBD oil products

  • Cannabinoid Variant Score (1/5)

The range of documented cannabinoids in the brand’s products. Often achieved through different distillation methods of extraction methods utilizing the whole hemp plant.

  • Product Purity Score (1/5)

Measure of extraction method, whether a brand’s products are certified organic, and quality control testing employed by each brand.

  • Sourcing Score (1/5)

Measure of location hemp is sourced from as it relates to environmental toxins and greater cannabinoid density. Additionally, a measure of the number of chemicals used in the production of the hemp (if any).

  • Health Issue-Specific Factors (1/5)

The brand’s range of delivery methods that are particularly well suited for aiding the medical issue at hand. As an example, in the case of using CBD Oil for heart disease, oral tinctures are the preferred delivery method.

The brand’s range of additional herbs, vitamins, minerals, and carrier devices that are known to aid the medical issue at hand. Again, like in the case of heart disease, anti-inflammatory botanicals such as green tea extract and turmeric, and cholesterol-fighting “healthy fats” such as the omega fatty acids found in hemp, flax oil or olive oil, may add to the product’s beneficial effects.

CBD Oil Rankings

CBD Products to be Ingested

CBD Products For the Body

Cigarettes, Vapes, Etc.

Best CBD for Animals

Rankings for Specific Health Conditions